Monday, January 16, 2012

New Classes To Help The Blog?

A new semester of class started last week, and two of them should directly influence "Rebuilt Runner."  The first is an advanced writing class which has surprised me out of the gate as my most fun course.  Two professors teach the class tag-team style and there is a lot of interaction between the other students, so altogether it has a fluid, energetic feel.  Another reason I think I enjoy it so much is because after working on this blog for the past few months, I've found that I really love writing and I'm always trying to find ways to improve the way I express myself.  Hopefully some of what I learn in the class will transfer into my writing here.

My second class that relates to "Rebuilt Runner" is Beginning Swimming.  Ever since I did a relay triathlon with some of my friends in 2010 (see pics below) I've been swimming really consistently (so consistently that when the BYU pool closed in August I starting swimming in Utah Lake.)  I've gotten pretty good at it, so a beginning swimming class seemed like it might be too easy.  But the truth of the matter is that I don't have any formal training on technique, and swimming is by far the most form intensive of all of the endurance sports.  So I figured I should start with the basics and try to pick up the things I was never able to figure out on my own.

In conjunction with the class I'm going to start a "Swimming Basics" series of articles in which I reteach and elaborate on what I'm learning in the class.  This way you can get some of what I'm getting at BYU, but without having to pay tuition! (This may be plagiarism or something like it, so if anyone out there is a lawyer, mums the word.)  If you have thought about starting to swim or already do but need some help on technique then stay posted.

As promised, triathlon pictures:

1. The Team: Brent, me, and Alec

2. Alec killing it on the run:

3. Brent pushing it on the bike:

4. Me hanging out with John before my leg of the race:

5. Yours truly bringing it home in the pool:

 6. Turning around:

7. And finish line:


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