Friday, February 24, 2012

Great Podcast-IM Talk

These two goofy mugs are John Newsom and Bevan James Eyles, and they host the podcast "IM Talk".  It is two New Zealand triathletes talking for 90 minutes each week about iron-distance triathlon.

A couple of downsides; the audio quality isn't great, and their accents are really thick, so it can be hard to hear what they are saying.  Also, they aren't broadcasters, so they talk really fast and sometimes talk over each other.  So far this doesn't sound great, but after a couple of episodes I kind of got hooked.  The two are clearly best friends so they have a natural chemistry, and that conviviality really comes through.  James is the more serious one, and Bevan jokes around a lot, and together they make an entertaining team.

They are clearly very well connected in the triathlon community, so they have interviews with athletes and coaches, and fill you in on all of the latest news in the sport (Lance Armstrong had his professional triathlon debut recently, and their discussion on that was way interesting.)  Triathlon is a surprisingly dynamic sport right now, and it's been fun to hear about all of the exciting things that are happening in this little world.

If you are into multisport and you want to try a new podcast, go to their website or just subscribe on iTunes.

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