Monday, April 16, 2012

Block 2 Week 1

I was still sick this week, so my training won't reflect that this is the start of training block 2, but it made more sense to label the week as such to keep track of time.  Basically I will do two weeks of training in Block 2 instead of three before my rest week.  That might actually work out better, given how exhausted I was after three weeks of training in the first block.

Monday: Still sick.  No workouts.

Tuesday: Still sick and a migraine- very bad day.

Wednesday: Played water polo for 30 minutes in my swim class.  My lungs felt ok, so the bronchitis must be on it's way out.

Thursday: 30 minutes of yoga- felt great.  Very strong.

Friday: 34 minute Zone 2-3 bike ride.  Lungs a little irritated afterwards.

Saturday: 25 minutes light swimming practicing flip turns.

Sunday: Rest.

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